Nuestra Virgen de Lourdes Religious Medal "EXCLUSIVE"
Nuestra Virgen de Lourdes Religious Medal "EXCLUSIVE"

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Catholics consider Bernadette Soubirous a saint, and many Catholics believe her visions to have been of the Virgin Mary. The first appearance of the "Lady" reported by Bernadette was on 11 February. The others were on February 14, 18-21, 23- 25, 27, 28, March 1-4, 25, April 7, and July 16.
Bernadette received no further apparitions after the 18th, and did not feel any desire to visit the Grotto afterwards, but the people kept on visiting. Lourdes has since grown to be the greatest Marian shrine of the Roman Catholic Church.
She is the patron saint for Bodily Ills.